Wellcome To House For Rent


Looking For Home To Rent Or House For Sale....Good

That is usually a sign of good things happening in life. It could mean the individual is moving up, promoted or  acquired better taste necessitating relocation to a better house.It could also means a change in status like marriage, family increase, and so on. It may also mean trouble with the landlord.

Whatsoever your reason to change base, we are here to help you locate the best accommodation or property suitable for your status and pocket. The aim of this organization JimiKing Real Estates is to get for you the best home to rent or buy. Your home location is very important, it describes to your friends and colleagues your taste, strengths and class.Our aim is to get the best property to let for your budget within the locality of your choice.

Give us the brief to get you a house in a good location with taste and class for you while you go on making a fortune.We will present you with options from which you will make a final choice. You do not have to do any more agent shopping.We have done all the work for you, just avail yourself of our hard work to please you.If you are looking for property to rent in Lagos, we are your number 1 real estate agent

Commercial Property To Lease

Are you a business, firm or corporation looking for new business premises? Great that is our business and our concern. Getting you that perfect location is what makes this firm thrive. We are in the house for rent business to satisfy your criteria and the unique feature you are looking for. If we don't have it we will still help you to locate it. Our tentacle is wide and well tested.To Lease or To Buy, Your premises needs are in safe hands, we always deliver. Give us your brief today and your needs is all settled.

Church Premises To Let

Man must commune with his Maker and as such a suitable place will always be needed for the Lord's Congregation. This is where JimiKing comes in.We can find with the grace of God a most suitable place for you to worship. Tell us your desired location in Lagos and we shall behold the glory of God. The Lord will use us to get you the best property to lease.









To Save Your Time Use This Form

Yes use the form below to communicate your need to us and we will get in touch with you quickly. Brief us and we will meet your expectations. Add us to your Blackberry for quicker communications or call us and JimiKing will quickly help you get that house to rent or the desired property to buy.

Property Request Form
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